Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Feeding your mind, body, and soul (and sweet tooth!)

So let me start this post with a confession.  I am by no means an expert at any of this.  If you came here for expert advice, I will be happy to point you to smarter people.  If you came here for motivation, I'm your gal.  If you came here to see a real person living real life and doing the best she can (which means failing sometimes), I'm definitely your gal!

Let me also say that I'm a smart person.  Sure sure, I have a college degree, but that's not what I mean.  I mean that I have basic logic and basic research skills.  I *KNOW* what foods are good for my body and what foods are bad for my body.  That part isn't hard.  I even *like* the taste of many fruits and vegetables.  I'm even a good cook and am very good at sneaking healthy foods into my kids (they have no idea how many vegetables are in their spaghetti sauce!)

But I also tend to be lazy.  And I often fall into the trap of being out and about taking Connor to doctors over an hour away (which means I have to plan 2 hours to get there to account for traffic, parking, and time from parking garage to the actual registration desk, plus arrive 15 minutes early, the whole deal)  So a 30 minute appointment means I'm away from home for about 4.5 hours (2 hours there, 30 minutes with dr, 2 hours back)

It is too easy to swing through the drive through.

Or hit up the hospital cafeteria.

And don't even get me started on my coffee addiction.  Not just black coffee either.  Dang it, why can't I just drink my coffee black??  And WHY did McDonalds have to put their iced coffee on sale for $1 any size all summer anyway?????

I go through phases where I really focus on my nutrition.  I know that good food feeds more than just my body, it fuels my mind and even my soul.  I FEEL BETTER WHEN I EAT GOOD FOOD.  So why is it so hard to do?  So I'll get off track and after a while I'll start to really hate myself.  I don't like how I look.  I don't like how I feel.  It's amazing to me how fast it rubs off on other areas of my life too.  My nice clothes start to get tight, so I wear my more comfy clothes.  If I'm wearing my comfy clothes, why care about doing my hair or makeup?  Why put on cute heels when flip flops are just as good?  Suddenly I'll wake up and realize exactly what's happening.  And I'll vow to change it.  And usually I do!  I will set some simple rules and then reward myself for sticking to them.  As I start to feel better I'll add some more rules.  I try not to deprive myself.  So my rule will be something like "1 fruit with every meal"  Then "1 vegetable with every meal"  (and those both have to be something in addition to what I was already having, so if I was having spaghetti I don't get to count all the veggies I added to the sauce, I have to have an extra veggie and an extra fruit)

It's true that the small steps really do add up.

But what to do about the half day long appointments?  I haven't gotten good enough to plan ahead and pack food.  But I will make deals with myself.  Something like "if I choose the baked chicken, I will let myself have the coffee."

I will put a plug in here for ViSalus and Beachbody.  If any of you know them, you'll be shocked I just wrote those two products in the same sentence (they're competitors).  I've tried both products and I loved them!  It's a perfect solution for days when you know you'll be out for hours and you want to avoid the drive thru.  Make a shake before you leave, put it in a cooler with ice, drink it half way through the day, you'll make it home still satisfied and knowing you got something much healthier than any drive thru or cafeteria!  (you still have to feed your kid though!)

My confession to all of you is that I'm writing this partly to motivate myself to get back on track.  My husband has been gone out of the country for the last 5 months and I got laid off from work 4 months ago.  I'm definitely struggling to find a good routine for both fitness and nutrition right now.  But this is my pledge to put these rules to work and get focused again!  My next race is in only 26 days, it's a short one (Mud Ninja, only 5K and 20 or so obstacles) but I'm sure will still challenge me, so I'd better get focused!!!

Here's my obligatory picture for today, I got 2 miles in on my elliptical before I was interrupted by a phone call from our insurance case manager.  45 minutes later when I got off the phone (with the billing issue still unresolved...sigh...) it was time to get ready to take Connor to an appt, so I never finished my last mile.  2 is better than none, right?

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