Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Is "exercise" a dirty word for you?

The words "exercise" and "work out" conjure up some unpleasant images for some people.  "I only run if I'm being chased" "I don't have time to exercise" "I don't like to work out" "It's too hard/too expensive/too time consuming"

It's time to shift some paradigms.

Unless you're training for something specific, this can be your workout (the grass needs mowed!):

Or how about this (picture taken at Columbus Zoo!):

Or this!!  (This is Connor, by the way, he's 5 in this picture!!  The kid's not afraid of anything!)

No matter the season!

Being healthy doesn't have to mean expensive gym memberships, fancy workout clothes, restrictive diets, or forcing yourself to do something you don't enjoy doing.

I enjoy running.  Sure, not every run, sometimes I literally negotiate with myself the whole run "If I run to that tree ahead, then I'll stop and walk"  But in general I feel better when I run.  Right now I am a single mom, my wonderful husband is out of the country doing very important work, sacrificing a lot for his family.  So I can't go for runs very easily.  He bought me my elliptical which I have put to good use.  But the majority of my exercise comes from just having fun with my kids!  We're constantly on the go and always looking for an adventure.  We dance together, we throw balls in the yard, we go for walks, we hike into the woods to catch creatures (newest additions to our menagerie include a larval mud puppy and a teeny tiny praying mantis!  Permanent members include 1 dog, 3 cats, 2 rats, and 1 fish)

So, what do you enjoy?  Do you like to dance?  Then crank up the radio and have a dance party in the living room!  Do you like to bike ride?  Invest in a bike trailer and take the kids with you!  Do you enjoy the peaceful solace of an early morning walk?  Set your alarm a bit earlier and enjoy that quiet time.  Do you love nature?  Then learn to geocache and head out as a family!  When your 22q child is at speech therapy, walk around the building several times.  When you're stuck in a waiting room, walk around talking to your child about things hanging on the walls.  When you have an hour in between appointments, go to the hospital's park and swing WITH your child!

Baby steps really do go a long way.

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