Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Wake Up Call...What Will Yours Be?

I finally went to the doctor.

For myself.

Not sure when the last time was that I did that.

Thankfully, I'm rarely sick.  At least not sick enough to need a doctor.  Also, through my journey with raising children, I have found that I am preferring a natural approach to health whenever possible, so you'll find me treating a sinus infection with a concoction of vitamins, herbs, steam, rest, etc instead of turning to antibiotics.  I believe that chiropractic care and massage therapy can help heal a body.  I tend to be distrustful of pharmaceutical products and lean towards natural/homeopathic remedies.  So really I often just don't have a need for a doctor.

But there have been some very significant changes in my personal life in the past 6 months, and I'm feeling the effects (affects?  I hope no English majors are policing me!) of them.  I decided to try a new doctor, someone I know from church, and hope that I would like her and work well with her.  I need someone that I trust, someone tolerant of me declining most vaccines, someone tolerant of me wanting to research literally everything, you get the picture.

So I went.  And I loved her :)  But I didn't necessarily like what she had to say.

In the past 6 months my husband went from being a stay at home dad to being employed overseas for a year.  I went from being a working mom to being a stay at home mom.  I weaned my youngest from breastfeeding (I have been continually breastfeeding for over 8 years, even breastfed through pregnancies and tandem nursed my children).  Connor was admitted to the hospital twice and is now facing a new diagnosis (a neuromuscular disorder not related to 22q).

In other words, my life is haywire.

No surprise, I've gained some weight.

I told you all that this blog would be a real life journey of a very normal person, well here I am!  I also have ups and downs, times of great focus and success and times of near failure, times when I run marathons and times when I sit on the couch with a bag of potato chips (I prefer tortilla chips actually).  This blog is about persevering through those periods and remembering to focus on MY health, MY sanity, not just my children's.

Connor's 22q isn't going anywhere.  But I am.  I'm going for a run tonight.  One step at a time, I'll get myself back on track.

I've already gotten a few messages in response to this blog, people who have told me they are appreciating this "wake up call".  Well, let's do this together!

Sweat away the frustrations!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you continue to journal I'm sure it will help others beautiful photos
