Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Slipping is not falling and does not mean give up!

When I reported in on Monday night, I mentioned that I was at X-5, but had been at X-7 until a weekend where I was a little less careful.

Well, I'm happy to say that as of today (Wednesday, actually it's after midnight, so it's Thursday now!) I'm officially at X-7.2!


Take THAT!

So yeah, I had a little slip, 2 steps forward 1 step back, but I didn't get discouraged, I set my focus again, and kept chugging along.

And, I have a mini-success to share!  Connor had a long appointment at Cincinnati Children's yesterday, and for many reasons it was a bit more of a stressful trip than usual.  Yet when I left my house at 6am, I left with a Shakeology in hand, not an over-priced calorie-ridden store-bought coffee.  When I ate lunch in the cafeteria, I enjoyed a Ceasar salad (with some ranch dressing, but not even half the packet it came with!), I didn't stop for food on the drive home even!  THEN at a picnic later that night, I had a single glazed pumpkin donut hole after eating a meal of the healthiest food choices I could find (considering it was a putluck style picnic!)  I had a treat, but I kept it small and avoided the temptation of all other treats.

And now I'm being rewarded with X-7.2!!

We'll see what happens the rest of the week until Monday's weigh-in.  I'm still struggling with some girly issues, so I'm expecting to see a bit of weight fluctuation for a few days, but that's normal for me.  I have a big dinner social Friday night that I need to try to be good at, but I have faith that I can do it!  Lunch is being provided for me Saturday (at a conference) and Sunday (at a fundraising event) so I'm going to do my best to plan ahead and stash some healthy snacks in my purse to help me avoid the temptation of any bad food.  A little pre-planning goes a long way!

Now to end this post with a cute picture of Connor, because...why not?!  He loves to color and is quite good at it!

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