Monday, September 2, 2013

My name is Samantha, and my starting weight is X

I'm so happy!  I had no idea if anyone would think my 22k(ilograms) for 22q was a good idea or not, I had no idea if I'd get anyone to join me, but today it officially kicks off and I have 12!!  That means only about 4lbs each to meet our goal!!

Now, since today is the day it starts, our next "weigh in" isn't until *NEXT* Monday.  That means we still have all week to recruit more people!  Is it possible to double our numbers you think?

So here's what I'm envisioning.  This isn't just about us getting healthy (although that's the main objective!) this is about us getting healthy WHILE spreading word about 22q!  So post about this on your Facebook pages!  Tell friends what you're doing!  Maybe each week when you share your progress, include a fact about 22q.  If you are working out, wear *something* that says 22q on it (your zoo shirt, a Dempster Foundation shirt, even a plain white t-shirt that you took a black marker to and wrote something about 22q!)  It doesn't have to be fancy, it doesn't have to be expensive.  Post pictures of yourself wearing that shirt and working out.  Walk your dog with that shirt on, mow your grass with that shirt on, somehow make 22q part of this journey.

If you take pictures and you want to share them, post them on my son's Facebook page and I will share them!  If you haven't liked his page yet, head over there and like it, then start posting pictures of your workouts!

Has anybody done anything yet?  Has anybody made some changes they want to share?  Post in the comments!  Tell me what you ate today!  Or tell me what you *didn't* eat today!  Did you pass up a second piece of pie at that Labor Day picnic?  GOOD FOR YOU!!!

I did 2.89 miles with my dog, Ruby today.  It was *hot* and she wasn't feeling it today, she made me stop in the shade a few times and I ended up cutting the run short because of it.  I guess dogs have bad days too, right?  Look at poor Ruby in this picture!!

I was hoping to get in another 1 mile walk with the kids tonight, but things kind of fell apart after dinner, so I declared early to bed for everyone.  Is it a full moon or something?


  1. I also started running for my sanity because of 2 special needs kids. My #3 child, #1 daughter has DiGeorge...I'll "train" with you, I have bee having the hardest time coming back from a summer "off". My daughter had her 3rd heart surgery, she is 13yo...

    1. Welcome Judith!! I totally understand the ups and downs of parenting AND running! You're in the right place :) Please feel free to look me up and friend me on Facebook!
