Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 2, are you still hanging in there?

I've heard that it takes 2-6 weeks for something new to become a habit.  This is crunch time people, these next weeks are the times that will decide if you are in this for real!  Are you dedicated?  Are you ready to make some serious changes?

My name is Samantha and my week 2 weight is X-5!


That's great, but unfortunately I was as low as X-7 until I fell to temptation of some good food this weekend and wasn't able to go on any runs (although I did walk several miles)

This is the boys at Charleston Falls, a park near us with trails through the woods.  We walked at least 2 miles, and a lot of it was up and down steps and rocks.  

Also this tends to be my heavier time of the month on any given month, lovely how all this female stuff works, isn't it?!

But, I am going to try my best to lose those 2lbs and more this week!

I did get 2 runs in this week, and I downloaded a cool new app on my phone that tracks my run as I go.  It counts off the miles for me while I'm running, then sends a run overview to my Facebook page for me!  It's been fun to play with it, but it drains my battery really fast.

This is me all flushed and sweaty at the end of a 2.6 mile run this week!  

This is going to be a difficult week, I'm going to have to get creative with exercise.  Today I started babysitting a friend's 2 year old who is very medically complex.  I was able to sneak away from a shower, and he napped through an interview and photo shoot I did for our local newspaper, but otherwise I wasn't able to go on a run or walk.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) Connor has a big appointment with his new Neurologist at Cincinnati Children's.  I have to take my friend's 2 year old with us, and we have to leave at 6am, so it'll be a busy morning!  Then in the evening there's a picnic for my oldest son's gifted school.  *IF* my friend picks up her son in the afternoon, then I can hopefully squeeze in a workout at my church before the picnic.  Then Wednesday my day should be more free until evening when we have speech therapy then Awana at church, there shouldn't be any problem with me getting a run in in the morning I hope.  Thursday is the same, I'm busy that night (babysitting again, different family this time!) but the morning should be free.  Friday the boys are off school and we're heading to Columbus for a 22q conference, so probably no running that day.  Saturday is the conference, so no run, but Sunday we're going to King's Island, a local amusement park, for a fundraising event so I should get in plenty of walking all day.

Whew!!!!  And I thought I was busy when I was a working mom!  Somehow I'm just as busy as a stay at home mom!

How are the rest of you doing?  Keep encouraging each other, you can do this!  Are you starting to feel better at all?  Noticing any changes?  I'm already seeing some clothes fitting just a bit easier now, which is a welcome change!!


  1. Katie x-1
    Brian x-1
    Not as good as last week but still a loss. I'm five pounds away from my prepregnancy goal weight!

    1. Hey, a pound is a pound, and 5lbs away from your goal weight is *SO CLOSE*!!! Way to go!!!

  2. My name is Becky and my weight is x -6.4 lbs.
    My name is Dan and my weight is x -4 lbs.
    Sorry I posted this on last weeks blog by accident :(
    We are using the Whole30 diet plan due to some health issues that will require me to eat Paleo the rest of my life. The emotional and physical affects of following the Whole30 have been life changing! Thank you Sam for doing this challenge and inspiring me :)

    1. Way to go Becky and Dan!!!! I'm sorry you're struggling with health issues, but I'm really glad you're finding Whole30 to be helpful! You'll have to share some of your favorite recipes with me!

  3. My Name is Becky and my weight is X - 5.
    My name is Dan and my weight is X - 7
